Good News Grant

The EFCC~CPD has been emphasizing ‘Revitalize – getting back to being a Gospel sharing people’.

We have been putting practical support into this important emphasis and want to remind you of an incentive that would encourage our District churches to dream, plan and put evangelism into practice.

The CPD has made grants available to District churches for up to $1,000.00 for evangelism proposals.

These should include:

  1. A new initiative of evangelism – not something you are already doing
  2. An initiative that includes some means of sharing the Gospel message with non-church people
  3. A church Board approved, plus communication to and prayer support from, your congregation
  4. An initiative that connects with non-church people – not just a church event that you hope people will come to

    Your written proposal to the district needs to outline the following:
    * Your plan
    * The financial amount needed
    * A time-frame
    * How the Gospel message will be shared

    Send your proposal letter to:
    5661 Silver Star Road
    Vernon, BC V1B 3P5